“A bridge itself is a span that allows two fixed points that would never connect to have the ability to meet over objects and impediments that would normally keep these two fixed [places] from meeting.”
– Pastor John Gray
I see you across the way and I know you see me too
I am sure you have ideas about me, as I have ideas about you
Ideas told as twisted whispers through the grapevines of history
that neglect your humanity and push your presence to the periphery
Forbidding you from taking up space to lessen our proximity
Nullifying your experience; the true tale of two cities.
But these twisted whispers seldom hold truth.
These twisted whispers about me and mostly about you.
I see you across the way and I know you see me too.
But neighbor, I seek to know you.
If I build a bridge to connect our paths, will you meet me there?
Or better yet, let me come to you.
Let me relieve the burden from your shoulders of carrying that conformity
into a white washed world where wariness weighs down
the endless potential of who you are,
and instead,
presses you into the shape of who you are expected to be
On my side
Of the bridge.
Pressure pulls you to be a part of my polarity
While repelling the pledge that preaches solidarity.
Privilege is sweet, but I choose to be grounded in clarity;
For I know its bitter aftertaste is your only sense of familiarity
On my side
Of the bridge.
These repeated cycles of abuse placing value in my hues,
And still, my people look to you as a muse.
They say, “the blacker the berry, the sweeter the juice”
And that’s why we so often take from you.
We steal your style, but give you no credit
We sing to your songs as though they’re embedded
Into the lineage of our souls, but that’s just pathetic.
The crux of who you are, your nature, your essence,
Is the most profound quality that creation could inherit.
They say, “the blacker the berry, the sweeter the juice”
But Dave says, “the blacker the killer, the sweeter the news”
You try to explain, but we fight to accuse
On my side
Of the bridge.
If I build a bridge to connect our paths, will you let me cross into your world?
Because I, I want to learn.
I’ll let you do the talking, it’s my turn to listen
Can I cherish in the moments where you feel bliss within?
Can you teach me your lived experiences so I can work to fight the division
That bounds you to an earth plane when you were meant to be risen?
Because here,
on my side of the bridge,
There are people like me who want to lift you to the sky from above.
When you say, “Jump” we say, “How high?” type of love.
That, “I’m not going to turn a blind eye” on you, love.
That comfort-to-confide-in-me type of trust.
That bond that’s “thicker than water” type of blood
Is what the people like me
Hope to someday earn
On my side
Of the bridge.
I will never understand your suffering
Nor will I ever know that sense of smothering
You feel from this government
Whose constant hovering
Keeps you from uncovering
The justice that you deserve
Replaced by prejudice that is preserved
On my side
Of the bridge
Did you know that you taught me
That you could find hope in hopelessness?
Or that you could fill a void with more openness?
That the fruit of your healing bears great wholesomeness?
By this I know that no movement is motionless.
Let me validate your existence without highlighting your brokenness.
Let me educate my people on the importance of boastfulness
During this time
On my side
Of the bridge.
There are people like me who want to do better by you
Who will take a stand to walk beside you
Who will raise their voices at those who don’t cry for you
And even when you think we can’t, we will still try to.
Because truth be told;
There is no siren soundtrack louder than the rhythm of your soul
There is no deeper wisdom, than that of the knowledge you hold
No greater river than the one that flows
Through the veins of your skin,
Your blackness is gold.
So, let’s break the mold;
Liberate ourselves from the expectations we uphold
Of a society that is far too old,
Whiter than snow, and just as cold.
I promise to keep you from harm and let the healing unfold.
Each and every time we meet
On our sides
Of the bridge.