Upcoming Trip to Rwanda in February 2025!

NINH was created to unite families and give to those with the most need. With that in mind, NINH continues to give locally, as well as globally. NINH provides support to local families through monthly gifts to aid in purchasing groceries, paying utility bills, engaging in recreational activities, and acquiring skills to become self-sufficient.
Globally, NINH supports a yearly mission trip to Rwanda, Africa. Over a 10 day period, staff and friends participate in a variety of undertakings, including construction of livestock pens, purchasing livestock, conducting a medical clinic, participating in social events and recreational activities, providing parenting education to single mothers, and supporting families in crisis. HOPE visits are scheduled to provide impoverished families, living in remote villages, with food and supplies, as well as equip them with life-sustaining supplies (i.e. lifestraws personal water filters, seeds, chickens, goats, etc.). Our volunteers spend time with the family members to learn their individual stories and assess needs. NINH partners with Gatenga Mission Church in order to provide the families with local connections. Additionally, our volunteers are able to sustain relationships with the families through Facebook/facetime, technology available through the local church.
If you would like information about our next trip, or have items you would like to donate, please connect with us through our contact page. The following list contains some of the needed items, as well as types of financial support.
- First aid supplies (bandaids, gauze, hydrogen peroxide, alcohol wipes)
- Hygiene products (soap, deodorant, shampoo, feminine products)
- School supplies (pencils, chalk, crayons, paper, backpacks, water bottles)
- Gently used and new shoes and flip flops
- LifeStraws
- Child Sponsorships ($40 per month)
- Health Insurance ($5.00 per year!)
- HOPE visit ($50 for food for a month for a large family)