Veterans Services

As individuals who put their lives on the line to protect our freedom, our Country’s Veterans deserve the highest quality of care. NINH recognizes that Veterans’ needs may vary depending on the period served in the military.
The psychological assessment needs of veterans often vary by cohort and era of previous military service. The psychological needs of World War II-era and other aging veterans, for example, may be quite distinct relative to those who have served more recently, related to the high prevalence of comorbid psychiatric (e.g., depression) and neuropsychiatric (e.g., delirium, dementia) conditions (Goy & Ganzini, 2011) that may prompt a thorough assessment of psychological as well as cognitive functioning. The high prevalence of post -traumatic stress and other emotional difficulties among Vietnam veterans (Holowka, Marx, Kaloupek, & Keane, 2012) may result in a formal psychological assessment of post-tramautic stress disorder (PTSD) or other anxiety disorder, while the medically unexplained physical symptoms of certain Gulf War veterans (Binder & Campbell, 2004) may prompt psychological assessment of an underlying somatoform disorder or other psychological condition. (Nelson, N.W., et al., 2014)
NINH is dedicated to providing our Veterans with the evaluations and treatments necessary to meet the challenges of sustaining active duty or returning to civilian life. If you answer “yes” to any of the following questions, we are here to help.
- Have you been deployed and are now finding it difficult to reunify with family?
- Do you suffer from nightmares related to your service?
- Do you panic when you hear loud sounds like cars backfiring, or fireworks?
- Do you become irritable and find it difficult to enjoy life?
- Do you avoid large crowds or social gatherings?
- Do you have difficulty with angry outbursts (scream, throw objects, property destruction)?
- Are you using substances (alcohol, marijuana, etc.) to the point that it interferes with your functioning?
- Are you finding it hard to connect with your spouse or children?
You were there for us, let us be here for you.